Digital Generations Project

State of the art research

Digital Generations Project

State of the art research

The aim of this result is to analyze the skills that are needed by the target group (people that have retired and are over 62) and to create a framework of evaluation of the elders’ digital skills and what best practices to close that digital gap are already in place.
It consist of:
- An introduction
- An analysis of the impact isolation can have on the elder population
- An analysis of the communication and creative needs of the target group
- A report collecting good practices from the different countries of the consortium
This guide will be used:
- To inspire the activities’ implementation to train the elder population in ICT skills
- To better understand the needs of this target group
- To raise awareness on the mental health issues that arise from isolation in the elder population

Intergenerational learning to enhance senior digitalisation

Digital Generations
European Project