Digital Generations Project

Digital Tools Handbook

Digital Generations Project

Digital Tools Handbook

This handbook provides tools for the elderly people to develop digital skills to be creative online and will be created in cooperation with a young adult (18-30 years old) who has the digital skills and actively creates digital content.
The handbook has the following structure:
- An introduction
- A skills framework: this framework will include the skills needed to be creative online
- An evaluation method to assess the level of digital competence in the skills above mentioned
- A set of tools needed to be creative online and the skills needed to use such tools
This result can be especially useful in two contexts:
- The adult education and social services context, since it will be a tool that they can use for guidance when approaching creativity with the elder population
- The family context, where the young family members can teach their grandparents the right skills so that they can be creative online

Intergenerational learning to enhance senior digitalisation

Digital Generations
European Project